Free Expert Advisor Portfolio 1, Week 5, The end

Earlier this week when I published the review for my other free expert advisor portfolio I still had hopes that this portfolio would remain in profit. Unfortunately the expert advisors succumbed to rough market conditions caused, perhaps, by the non farm payroll release this Friday.

I analyzed the results obtained so far quiet throughly. I noticed that all the expert advisors were quiet active, except myfxovereasy - which despite my every try - didn't start any trades whatsoever.

The other experts, Phoenix, Artificial Intelligenge, Binario and Framework, managed to get a 40% combined maximal draw down with actual losses that amount to about 20% of the account's balance.

I didn't like the way these experts traded together. They seemed to counteract each others moves excessively to the point that the equity curve looks like a sinusoidal wave. I have then stopped forward testing this expert portfolio as no one would ever want to trade a portfolio with a 40% draw down.

Also when evaluating their losses individually I saw that all of them sustained significant draw down, ergo, non of these experts seem to be profitable individually. The fact that they were together hindered their loosing capability quiet effectively, even though they didn't turn out profit as expected.

The final statement as always can be seen here.


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